Friday, March 27, 2020

Benefits of English Learning Software Online

Benefits of English Learning Software OnlineMany English learners have discovered the benefits of using English learning software online. They don't need to be physically present to engage in a real-life learning experience. When they are ready, they can enter their answer at any time of the day, and not only will they know the correct answers, but their intelligence, skills and confidence will get stronger. This is due to the fact that this way, they can participate in various types of studies on a daily basis and improve their skill sets as well.English online courses have proven to be much more effective and productive than traditional ones because of the technological advancements that have been made in recent years. Learning with virtual classroom and the use of computers has been able to keep pace with the advanced thinking skills of today's youth. There is no question as to the quality of English learning software online because it meets the high expectations of many learners. Online learning allows for students to be able to work at their own pace and learn at their own speed. This way, they don't have to follow a set curriculum, schedule of an instructor. They can learn at their own pace and may even learn a lot without being able to benefit from the efforts of the teacher. So if they were required to give some material at a specific time of the day, there is no question as to how the student would be able to accomplish the same.The latest trends in online education have shown that online learning can be used not only by students who are new to the language, but also students who are already proficient in the language and they can have some advantage by starting their lessons online. These students can get the chance to improve their language skills without leaving their homes.A great deal of research has been done in recent years and it is known that there are various ways by which one can learn the English language online. For example, some of these m ethods are basedon audio games, audios or video tutorials, games or trivia tests. The key is to find the way that is most beneficial for the learner and then implement it in the course. The students can learn the English language at their own pace and they will gain the upper hand by being able to speak the language on a regular basis.In today's world, many people who are part of the Asian and Western cultures have been taught English using online learning. It is not uncommon to find students in schools and colleges where students are learning English at a high rate. So, for those who want to study English online, the method chosen is important and should be consistent.The main things to remember when studying online is that they should focus on the learning software online, and not the teacher. They should remember that in their mind, the one who is teaching them is merely their learner, not the teacher.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Five Private High School Application Mistakes

Five Private High School Application Mistakes Improving Academic Performance If you’re applying to private high schools soon, you need to plan the months you’ve got ahead of you. The admissions process is very competitive, and you have to make sure you’re on top of your game every step of the way. While there are definite protocols to follow such as reading the application instructions carefully and going through multiple drafts of your essays, there are also some don’ts to keep in mind. Take a look at 5 mistakes to stray away from throughout your private high school application journey. Underestimating the Campus Visit Campus visits can be a critical part of your evaluation by the admissions office. You’re being observed more carefully than you might think, as the tour is not just for your benefit. From the administrative staff processing your intake information at the admissions office to the student guiding your campus tour, each person has the opportunity to provide feedback on your disposition, demeanor, side conversations with your family, eye contact, general level of interest in what was going on around you, or anything else they might want to include in your file. Instead of being distracted elsewhere, take advantage of the visit to convey that you’re genuinely excited about the school through active engagement and enthusiasm. Scripting Your Interview There is a happy medium to strive for in order to excel with your interview. The interviewer is trying to ascertain your fit for the school and how you might interact with other students in activities and the classroom. They want to see your interest level, palpably, in the interview. This means that you need to express your passion and have specific anecdotes and examples about yourself at the ready. However, you do not want to script your answers. It’s tempting to come up with a practiced monologue in response to “tell me about yourself” or “why do you want to attend this school?” These rehearsed answers interrupt the natural flow of conversation and make you seem robotic rather than the autonomous, critical thinker that the school is hoping will thrive in their community. Failing to Include Anecdotes in the Parent Statement Parents find it hard to resist the temptation to go on and on about their kids in these “formal” essays that they write as part of the application. Nonetheless, the same lessons of application writing for students apply to parents as well: it is imperative to show rather than tell. Parents need to channel the impulse to talk about their kids into a productive stream of honest anecdotes that show what the student is like, as if it were a short clip being played to the admissions office. This is far more effective than reciting conclusory praise! Banking On - or Only Applying to - One or Two Schools Most people acknowledge that it would be silly to only apply to one or two colleges if you are aiming at the most selective schools in the country, but don’t carry over that attitude to the private high school application process. In some cases, these high schools are even more competitive than certain colleges, especially in the case of highly esteemed and historically successful schools such as Horace Mann and Harvard-Westlake. Don’t underestimate the selectivity of your top-choice institution and keep a variety of options open for yourself as you work on your school list. Assuming Standardized Timelines for Application Deadlines The bottom line is, different schools have different deadlines. Some will be at the end of December or in early January. Some will be as late as April or March. Often times, students are completing their interviews and campus visits well before their applications are submitted, whereas this would be an unusual process on the college side. With different admissions testing requirements, various deadlines, and limited timeframes that students can take off to conduct interviews (October break, Thanksgiving, etc.), it’s imperative to plan early. As you can see, mistakes can occur as early as your initial visit or as late as the interview phase! You must be careful throughout the application process and maintain a high level of organization to stay ahead of what needs to be done. Carefully avoid these errors, and you should be on your way to presenting your best self to the admissions office. About the Author By David Mainiero, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer of InGenius Prep.

Flex Your Language Muscles Through These 6 Foreign Language Training Programs

Flex Your Language Muscles Through These 6 Foreign Language Training Programs Flex Your Language Muscles Through These 6 Foreign Language Training Programs Learning a foreign language is kind of like going to the gym.You only make noticeable progress if you train regularly and strategically, with the right tools and techniques.You wouldn’t expect to get swole just by picking up a barbell from time to time, would you?Its no wonder so many people hire personal trainers.And learning a language is no different!When you need serious language abilities fast, there’s no better option than turning to the professionals for serious foreign language training. Why Invest in Foreign Language Training?It really is never too late to learn a new foreign language. Doing so immediately opens up new things you can enjoy, from music to travel destinations to trashy television shows.Not only does it have cognitive benefits, but learning a new language can be an amazing self-confidence boost as you gradually connect the pieces and start to understand an exciting method of communication.Regarding your career, the connection between more skills and more money is clear in any language.Some employers will pay you more simply for being multilingual.For certain jobs, the benefit may not be as tangible. Instead, your boss could ask you to read foreign reports or sit in on conference calls. The skills built through that extra experience are ones your monolingual coworkers will be missing out on.Flex Your Language Muscles Through These 6 Foreign Language Training ProgramsSoftware Foreign Language Training SolutionsRosetta StoneRosetta Stone has been one of the biggest names in language learning software for more than a decade.How have they kept up with so many new players constantly entering the field? First, by continually improving the technology behind their core product. Second, by introducing an expert, personalized tutor program.The selling point has always been that the user learns through associating words and sounds with images in a very natural way. From the beginning, the user learns to distinguish between full sentences and ev en create their own to describe different situations. With every exercise, you can test your pronunciation with a special voice recognition system.A subscription to the Rosetta Stone service includes payment for a set of live tutoring sessions with educated native speakers who do their best to speak zero English with you during your lessons.Furthermore, there’s an additional product called Rosetta Stone Catalyst, designed for businesses with whole teams of people learning at the same time. You may be able to ask your employer to cover the course as a business expense!GlossikaA relative newcomer to the foreign language training game, this web-based startup from Taiwan is making waves among the more serious language learning community.The idea is that by listening to and repeating thousands of native phrases that slowly increase in complexity, you’ll assimilate all the necessary structures you need for basic fluency. After enough training, you’ll effortlessly be able to apply ne w vocabulary to the patterns that you’ve mastered.As of early 2019, Glossika had 64 languages on their platform, including small minority languages such as Catalan, Manx and Taiwanese Hokkien. Many of them are available as source languages, meaning that a native Bengali speaker can learn Russian in their own language, for example.The courses are extremely configurable, and at the end of a lesson you rate each sentence for difficulty. This information goes into a database that subtly adjusts the upcoming lessons for your learning speedâ€"and makes inferences for how the course should be delivered to newcomers.FluentUOne of the best ways to learn to speak like a native is through immersion. And no one does immersion-at-home better than FluentU!FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.Each video comes with annotated subtitles, interactive flashcards and quizzes that evolv e as you learn. That means your experience is 100% personalized! FluentU even offers progress-tracking tools and video suggestions based on what youve already watched. This makes it easy to work toward a specific goal, such as traveling to a new country, studying abroad or working for a foreign company.Access FluentUs full video library on your web browser or, better yet, download the app at the iTunes or Google Play stores to learn on the go!In-person Foreign Language TrainingThe aforementioned software solutions are pretty astounding, and they can certainly increase your proficiency when you put in the effort.But if youre more of a classroom learner, youre in luck! There are plenty of amazing programs out there for people who prefer to learn in person. The following programs teachers are world-class, and theyll be able to guide you both in the classroom and with materials for your own self-study at home.Berlitz Language SchoolAre you in a foreign country where you dont speak the l anguage? Berlitz is here to save the day! Berlitz has been a respected name in the language-learning community for decades, so you know youre receiving a quality education abroad.The Berlitz Method is known for immersing students in a language through conversational teaching.  Countless schools around the world have taken on the Berlitz Method in their classrooms. But when your career or studies are on the line, why settle for second best? If possible, enroll in the original immersion-style school!In the U.S. alone, Berlitz has schools in 20 states and nearly 50 cities. Worldwide, it has expanded to more than 500 schools across 70 countries. Almost all locations offer English as well as the local languageâ€"at the bare minimum.Education FirstEducation First, or EF, is widely respected in East and Southeast Asia for being a high-quality school for ESL students. But EF does a lot more than teach ESL. It also offers programs for travel and culture in addition to various foreign languag es for English speakers.EF was founded in Sweden with the vision of being more than just a language school. Before long, it also began to offer cultural excursions and immersion trips to other countries, which help its students take the language out of the classroom and onto the streets.EF has sailed past the 500-school benchmark and employed more than 20,000 teachers worldwide. If you want a foreign language training program that offers more than just a classroom, check out EF!Fluent CityNew York City is one of the most multilingual cities in the world. It’s not unheard of for public schools alone to have students who speak dozens and dozens of languages in total.If you’re in NYC (or a few other select cities), why not open these languages up to your own ear with some top-quality classes through Fluent City?Fluent City specializes in hiring outstanding teachers who are usually polyglots themselves, so they know firsthand of the struggles that the students are going through.They also pledge to keep group classes small and focus on communicative competence. Each course has a description of what you’ll be able to do when you finish, and you can even tailor private lessons to focus on what you specifically need for your career.Fluent City isnt yet a worldwide company like the other in-person training programs on this list. However, it does offer classes in major cities across the U.S., including New York City, Chicago, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia. This is convenient for American learners who want to immerse themselves in a foreign language training program but dont have the time or money to travel abroad.When I recently assessed my own foreign language skills, I realized that I’ve never actually attained proficiency in any language without instruction from a program or teacher.Are you the same way? Stuck in a rut without much progress? Looks like its time for some foreign language training!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

3 Warning Signs of Senioritis - by TutorNerds

3 Warning Signs of Senioritis - by TutorNerds Identifying Senioritis Many high school seniors will be tempted to slack off their last semester of senior year. This is an age old phenomenon; however, it is something that should be avoided if at all possible because the consequences can be devastating for some students. Others may not experience severe repercussions, but losing an entire semester of education is a simple waste of time and does not help seniors stay on track for college. 1. Stress and burnout Burnout is the number one cause of senioritis for college prep students these days. Unfortunately, students finish their college applications only to find that theres so much more left to do. These days high school seniors will have to cope with one, if not two, advanced placement exams in May, they will consider visiting the schools they were accepted to, and they will have to either search for scholarships or keep their grades as high as possible to remain eligible for one they have already received (READ: AP Test Without the Class?). Students will also start the long and arduous process of dealing with financial aid at this point in the year. Its important for parents and friends to look out for each other and begin to recognize when a student has reached their stress limit. 2. Mixed feelings about leaving school For the most part, seniors are just incredibly excited to be done with school, right up until its actually time to leave. Theres a sudden realization that everything is going to change, and this can be very scary (READ: Flash Card and Note-Taking Apps to Prevent Senioritis). Students realize that, although they will have independence, they will also miss the safety and security of home. Home-cooked meals and weekends spent with longtime friends are, for now, over. Seniors in high school will go from being the top of the class back to the bottom once they become freshman in college. Its the first big change that a young adult will have in their life and this can be both exciting and anxiety producing, which can lead to a sense of zoning out during the last semester of senior year in order to avoid thinking about these problems. 3. Boredom At this point in the year high school students are simply board.   Once college acceptance letters come in, or even once they have been sent out, students are done with school. They have been taking AP classes, the SAT, ACT, community service hours, and extracurricular activities for the past 3 1/2 years. They want to be done and figure as long as they ‘slide by’ that everything will work out okay. Unfortunately, for some students this is simply not the case. For example, a student may currently have a 4.0 and have been accepted to the University of First Choice but may not have read the fine print. Many colleges, almost every college, offers ‘conditional acceptance’. This means that a student must maintain a minimum GPA in order to be accepted. Its important for students to find out what those minimum requirements are before they mentally check out in the second semester of senior year. Some colleges will simply require that every student receives a passing grade while others will insist that students maintain their current GPA or very close to it (READ: College Application Decisions: Food For Thought). That means, if a student was getting a 4.0 all through high school, they need to continue to get all As for the remainder of their senior year. The importance of maintaining a high GPA Maintaining a high GPA is especially important to potential scholarship students. Students who have been offered a scholarship will be held to the highest standard, they are getting a free or price-reduced education after all. If a student receives a 4.0 GPA and scores of 5 on all their AP exams throughout high school and then drop to a 3.2 and scores a 3 on their AP exams in the second semester of senior year, its common for the scholarship to be transferred to another student, one who has maintained their grades and demonstrated continued motivation and dedication to their learning. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Testimonials To Post or To Toast

Testimonials To Post or To Toast I was asked to put a couple words together about testimonials for So I started to read through some of the past testimonials from Math tutors, Music tutors, English tutors, Tutors tutors, and of course students. I could see that all the comments were positive in nature and students and tutors alike had good things to say. However, I was not feeling particularly inspired. Maybe it’s all the over the top commercials on television that are pounded into our brain every day. You know like the one where you put a huge bow on top of a new Lexus and give it to your wife on Christmas morning. Oh well. Maybe next year. I’m not really sure why, but TutorZ stopped harvesting testimonials for the website a year ago. You know, the “We had such a great experience using this site that we named our next child after them!” What made me think of this now, as our busy time of year starts, the time when the leaves are brown and the students are green? I guess what started me on this was coming across a couple of sites while searching for a plumbing product and these sites were just full of testimonials. As I was doing this I was working the customer service lines for Taking my turn, as we all do at TutorZ, so don’t tell my boss I was shopping too! So, as I’m talking parents through the basic details of selecting tutors for their children, I kept hearing over and over again how this service is just such a great thing and someone is actually there to help when we call. Even tutors, who call, with all their suspicions, are pretty blown away when they get into the process. In fact, I had one new tutor last month that must have called me 6 times before he completed his profile and got into the action. A short time later he called to tell me about his first job, he was really excited. I don’t think college or high school students have a problem doing business online but many people my age and up are just suspicious of online business. Especially a service that’s free. I mean, “Come on, what’s the catch?” If I’m putting even just my name into some online service I think of the possibility that my whole financial reputation could be destroyed. Not at TutorZ, because of the latest security software used by the largest banking operations in the world and by So when I pick up a call from a nervous, suspicious, and stressed out parent I don’t have to do a sales pitch and besides those who are desperate enough to be calling us are willing to take the risk. The beauty here is after it works, the first thing they experience is relief that they’re not getting ripped off. Next is the relief that their kid is set up for the help they need to succeed. That’s the testimonials that I hear day after day. So, testimonials, these testimonials? Oh well, maybe next year.

Get Into Early Elementary With NVIVO Tutoring

Get Into Early Elementary With NVIVO TutoringThe nVivo tutes are not something you want to hear in the beginning but when it comes to one time expenses you really want to make sure that you know what is right for you. Not all scholarships and grants are going to be money makers for you.When it comes to early elementary, maybe you should consider being tutored in English, Math or Science. That will help you in the future. Maybe you will study hard for your AP test and make it that much easier.The one thing you need to know when deciding on one of these types of options is that you should have a set of extracurricular activities in place. That can mean some extra teachers or friends, reading or Math tutors, and any other ways you are going to do to get the most out of your future.The best way to spend the money is with early elementary tutoring. You may not know it but there are many kids out there who could really use your help. That is why it is best to be honest and tell them what y our plans are.That is probably what got you to your computer screen when you heard about the nVivo tutoring programs. It is hard to convince a student that they need extra help and you will need to tell them that if you are going to make it possible.That is not the only time you will be working to get one but it will be worth it when you do. The kid who did not have an answer is likely to be an ace in high school because they really need the help. It will also help you pay for college if you decide to go that route.In addition to the nVivo tutoring you will be getting a lot more out of it. That is why the costs will seem like a small price to pay.

Subscriptions in Chemistry - Is There Such a Thing?

Subscriptions in Chemistry - Is There Such a Thing?Do you find it hard to determine the meaning of subscripts in chemistry? You need to know what is a subscript and how does it help you do your homework.Subscripting is simply a type of mathematical notation used to refer to different amounts in a scientific equation. A subscript is a numerical expression that indicates the amount of a chemical element, group or item that should be treated as an individual quantity. These quantities are usually written in a capitalized letter followed by a zero, a number denoting the numerical magnitude of the quantity. We will discuss subscripts in chemistry and show you why they are important.To begin with, we need to define subscripts in chemistry. A subscript in this context is a subscript which means the same thing as a superscript. An example of a subscript in chemistry would be the subscript I in the equation for the temperature at which water boils. When we refer to this subscript, we are refe rring to the value of the atomic number of the atom.A subscript can also be expressed as the fractional part of the subscript in the above equation. The fractional part refers to the degree of the quantity that should be treated as an individual quantity. You can use this formula when working with elements such as hydrogen and helium. The subscript I of hydrogen is written I=H.Another example of a subscript would be the subscript a in the equation for the density of the earth. When we write i=a the subscript represents the total mass of the element in the equation. By inserting a subscript into a formula you can create new elements or units.Subscripts are also called 'substitution' for a reason. For example, in order to get the proper value of a specific chemical element, such as oxygen, we will want to substitute in some other elements which have the same atomic number.The meaning of subscripts in chemistry is extremely important. For example, if you were trying to calculate the am ount of oxygen in the atmosphere, you would want to convert the subscript I to h, or heat. When you are writing an equation, make sure that you always remember to include a subscript.